Όχι σε μια αλλά σε δυο εφημερίδες του εξωτερικού αναφέρεται η Τζούλια Αλεξανδράτου και η πορνοταινία της. Και μάλιστα όχι σε όποιες και όποιες… Η μία είναι η Independent και η άλλη η Telegraph… Συγκεκριμένα τα άρθρα λένε πως έχουμε ξεχασει τον πόνο μας με την οικονομική κρίση που περνάμε λόγω του ροζ video της Τζούλιας. Μέχρι και οικονομική ανάλυση έκαναν λέγοντας πως το 45λεπτο dvd της Tζούλιας κατλαφερε να έχει κέρδη 4,50 εκατομμυρίων μέσα σε μόλις 10 ημέρες από την κυκλοφορία του…. Η ίδια η Τζούλια μιλώντας στην Independent δήλωσε:Είναι μεγάλο το σκάνδαλο στην Ελλάδα, είναι η πρώτη φορά που μια διάσημη Ελληνίδα κάνει κάτι τέτοιο και δημοσιοποιείται… Συγκεκριμένα τα άρθα είναι τα ακόλουθα: Ιndependent: When the Greek pop star Julia Alexandratou released her anthemic 2007 single The Target is Cash, she was seen as the definition of a good-time gold-digger in Athens’ free-spending, credit-fuelled Noughties. The racy accompanying video helped the 23-year-old Greek-Briton to minor celebrity status. But now Alexandratou has become known for another kind of video, after a porn film in which she stars went on sale. Instead of focusing on the state deficit, the public has welcomed the distraction of a bout of soul-searching over the nation’s morals. The DVD has sold 240,000 copies in ten days. It’s a big scandal in Greece, it’s the first time a Greek celebrity did something like this and it got out, Alexandratou told The Independent. Sex-aids and Easter candles in her curvaceous likeness are now on sale. Twitter and the blogosphere are agog, and the row has even prompted remarks in parliament. The 45-minute film features Alexandratou tottering into a whirlpool bath with a bottle of Dom Perignon, later used as a sex aid. She then pairs up with an as-yet unidentified man. Last week Alexandratou issued a statement requesting that the media desist from reproducing science fiction scenarios around my stolen private moments. Just as her story was fading from the front pages, her manager said she will marry a businessman, whose identity won’t be revealed until the wedding day. Telegraph: While Europe’s finance ministers have agreed how to help Greece’s beleaguered finances, Alexandratou’s 45-minute tape has gained attention after reportedly grossing the equivalent of £4.5 million in the space of 10 days. Alexandratou, 23, who is half-English, has done various model shoots as well as a number of music videos, including the 2007 single ‘The Target is Cash’, which featured a racy video of its own. But the new footage, which features the singer in a whirlpool bath with an as-yet unidentified man, has prompted a new-found interest in the singer, with merchandise in her likeness being sold, including Easter candles. The tape has also attracted remarks from the Greek parliament, as well as comedians and talk show hosts. Speaking to The Independent, the singer, who claims the recording was for private use, said: It’s a big scandal in Greece, it’s the first time a Greek celebrity did something like this and it got out. The sex tape has proved a welcome distraction for Greece, whose current economic woes are threatening to destabilise the entire eurozone economic bloc. But following a meeting in Brussels, the 16 eurozone countries said they have now agreed how they would help Greece should it prove necessary